Getting to know the Pembroke Welsh Corgi is one of the most important things you can do if you are considering this breed.

Everyone loves a corgi butt, big ears and short legs but they are not always the right breed for everyone. Corgis vary personality wise, but we have gathered some common characteristics of the breed that you should be aware of when considering this breed.

  1. They are smart - almost too smart

    Corgis need a job! Corgis were bred to herd livestock, they are independent thinkers that require a lot of mental stimulation. When a corgi is bored they may become destructive. If you get a corgi plan to set aside time each day enriching their lives with playtime, games and training.

    As a breed, these are very active, high-energy dogs that need exercise daily. They love to go so if you are an active person this may be the the breed for you. Some bloodlines have less energy and that is one reason that we temperament test our puppies.

  2. Corgis are a herding

    Corgis were originally bred to herd livestock and some of these herding instincts are still present in the breed today. They may try to herd small children, other animals or even their adult owners and may nip at your heels or grab ahold of your pant legs.

    People often ask if they make a good family pet. The answer depends on how much training you are going to do with your corgi. They like many other breeds need training to know what behavior is acceptable.

  3. Do corgis bark a lot?

    Corgis love their owners and will let them know when there is something new or out of place by barking. They will also bark if they are bored, want to play, looking for attention, or want to eat.

    It is important for them to always have appropriate toys and chews prevent boredom. A good training program can help stop barking behaviors too.

  4. Will my corgi shed?

    Corgis are a double-coated breed. Just like all double-coated breeds they shed! Daily brushing, feeding a high-quality dog food, and adding fish oil to their diet will HELP with the shedding but it will not STOP the shedding.

    Most corgi owners learn to accept the “Corgi Glitter” . Corgis have two major coat molting, one in spring and one in fall.

  5. They are very loyal & protective of their owners

    You and your family will become your corgis pack. They will want to be with you everywhere you go, just in case you need their help. They are very loyal to their owners and will defend the ones they love.

  6. They are hot natured

    Corgis are hot natured due to their double coat. Don’t be surprised if your corgi prefers to sleep on the cool tile or wood floor over an expensive dog bed.

    Most corgis prefer to lay beside you or by your feet not in your lap for long periods of time. Dressing a corgi up in doggy clothing for long periods of time can cause your corgi to get to hot and possibly overheat.

  7. BIG dog in a little body

    Corgis have the “BIG Dog Attitude”. They are sassy and bossy little dogs that will stand up to big dogs. If untrained, they can become growlers and be snappy.

    It is very important that you continue training, socialization, and desensitizing with your puppy when you take them home.

  8. Will my corgi have back/hip issues

    Research shows that hip and back issues are caused from broth genetic and environmental components. Genetic and OFA testing is still important but environmental factors such as feeding a high quality dog food, not allowing these dogs to jump from tall heights, weight control and appropriate exercise all play an important role in preventing hip and back issues.

    What can owners do to prevent these problems?

    • Choose a Breeder who genetically tests their dogs. Make sure to ask your breeder if their dogs has had any history of back or hip issues.

    • Choose a breeder that makes sure that babies are raised on a surface that provides traction thus preventing slipping, feeds a high quality puppy food and provides age appropriate exercise for puppies.

    • Daily exercise helps strengthen and tone their muscles

    • Monitoring weight can prevent dogs from becoming overweight. Corgis are very food motivated so care should be taken to monitor their weight.

    • Not allowing them to jump off of beds, couches and other furniture which will apply pressure to their backs.

9. They are VERY food oriented and will require training

I like to say that corgis brains are in their stomachs and therefore they are easy to train. Corgis love food and might guard it therefore resource guarding is something that you will need to watch for. Some can be picky eaters but most are always looking for a snack.

You must train your puppy to create a great dog. They are very smart and easy to train. We recommend training either through traditional puppy and obedience classes with your local Humane Society or through online puppy school. We have partnered with Baxter & Bella, to provide a discount on their high-quality online puppy training.

10. BIG personalities

Yes, they can be stubborn, have an attitude and completely ignore you at times but these little dogs have big personalities and can be extremely funny. They will make you laugh and their smiling faces will lift your spirits.

Corgis are an incredible dogs who will become an important part of your family.